12-31-07 David, Joan & Svea
38th Annual Christmas Kelly Bash 12-29-2006 Thirty-Six relatives strong!
Thirty six people attended the 38th Annual Christmas Kelly Bash Click on any group picture to view/download in a larger printing resolution.
Here's a movie clip of our group photo shoot: 2007 Kelly Bash Group Photos Windows Media Video - 3 minutes, 24 MB (Unfortunately the movie is not as wide angle as the stills)
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Candid Shots As we did last year, we will once again add unnecessary and possibly unkind captions to the following photos. All in the name of good fun, please forgive and remember we do love you all!
"Then when I told the second lie, my nose got this long"
"...and the red tufted grosbeak sounds just like this"
"Pickles, man Kevin, you got pickles...I didn't get any pickles"
"But on the other hand, most of the time Harriette's nose is quite normal."
Elyse concedes victory to her dad in the "Biggest Smile Competition."
"No seriously, I never put this much salt in mine"
Theresa bides her time until it is her turn to drive.
In the middle of the Bash, Harriette and Shy unexplainably begin crooning "Danny Boy"
Kaelin finds herself "magnetically drawn" to the ammonia cookies
Svea reacts to her dad and his camera in a most annoyed way.... although Kevin seems delighted
but as soon as the "giant hand " appears, Svea seems..."like whatever"
One woman's horror is another woman's delight.
Harriette unsuccessfully tries to "charm" a beer off Margaret.
Pat and Joan are oblivious to the "terrible thing" Ginger sees outside.
Annika is delighted that Kevin can see her using just his finger.
Leanne consoles Shy.
Maris and Kaelin hold Katherine hostage in the inflatable cage
Good times at the craft table.
The cousins got along very well.
On average, 4 out of 5 partygoers clean their fingernails BEFORE coming to the party.
Anna Marie says "Look, no more pictures, David"
Dave and Theresa have a good laugh while a short breeze blows only Julia.
"I have nothing to do with whatever is going on behind me"
Kaelin....designated driver.
"Really Kathy, your ears are lovely with this haircut."
"and then my mom's nose grew THIS long with her third lie..."
Kevin says, "C'mon John, no sir"
Now Leanne, don't be scared, you ARE allowed to eat here.
Pat keeps her distance, because you never know about Harriette's nose.
Poor Katherine missed half the party locked in the inflatable jail.
Good times are always had in the living room.
Leanne has all the making for her own party.
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Kelly Bash Piņata
Our nutcracker piņata and his little friend.
Annika, being the youngest got to go first. All children were allowed three swings.
looking pretty proud of herself.
Good swing by Elyse
Connor had some mighty hits (must have learned a thing or two from his dad)
Brigitta was up next
A good windup...
Erin took several good shots.
Look at the crowd's reaction...
Katherine bent back his legs...
Svea sent the legs flying - barely over Sean's and Conner's heads.
Svea seemed determined to inflict a mortal blow.
On her third swing, the nutcracker hit the floor.
Maris began the floor assault, as the nutcracker's head swings in agony and disbelief.
Kaelin tries but cannot crack him open.
Connor gives it a few more wacks...
but it was Sean who delivered the final death blows.
the mad scramble for the treats
Elyse sends love to her mom in the form of a "noisemaker" kiss
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