Black & White Color - Dodge & Burn - How To High saturation full color people on high contrast black and white landscapes.
Hall Family Website hallbuzz.com | |||
1. Using ordinary photo editing software, resized picture to 1024 x 768 (or screen resolution). 2. Increase color saturation for people's skin tone and clothing color. 3. Save picture as a PNG or BMP format. IMPORTANT: JPEG format will NOT work for this process! (JPEGs bleed color when they are saved)
4. Decrease color saturation to zero (black and white). 5. Increase contrast until pure blacks and whites in the background/landscape/sky are revealed. 6. Save picture as a PNG or BMP (with a new filename).
7. Open Color picture in MS Paint 8. Erase all background. Hint #1: Highlight big areas with the select tool and tap "Delete" on the keyboard to quickly erase large areas. Hint #2: Zoom in for close trimming/detailed work. Hint #3: Save with a new filename every now and then to protect work; Paint only allows 3 "undo's" Hint #4: Right-click on a color in the Color box to change the eraser color; this makes it easier to view very light areas. (This may appear tedious, but a picture such as this one can be trimmed in 10 to 15 minutes)
9. Select-all (Ctrl-A) and Copy (Ctrl-C) the color/background erased copy. 10. Open the black & white copy in MS Paint. 11. Paste (Ctrl-V)
12. Click the "Draw Opaque" tool:
(Color people should now be on the black and white landscape.) 13. Save picture as a PNG or BMP (with a new filename).
14. Open final copy with ordinary photo editing software, resize and save as a JPEG.
Hall Family Website hallbuzz.com