Tallmadge Nordic Center - The Worst Cross Country Ski
Area Anywhere! * The ONLY Nordic skate skiing venue
within 40 miles of Tallmadge, Ohio * Located just off of Atwood Drive in
Tallmadge, Ohio * Sporting a 0.15 KM groomed oval skate
ski trail (around Dave’s house) * Average snow depth: 1/2 inch * Maximum elevation: 1145 feet * Minimum elevation: 1138 feet *Track setting equipment: A very finicky
1972 Ski-Doo Olympique towing a 130 pound 4’ X 8’ sled * Parking: About 4 cars - don’t park on
the ski track * Lighting: The porch, garage and
Christmas lights help a little bit, sort of * Ski conditions: If you live in
Tallmadge or Kent; look out your window.
If you live anywhere else; it’s not worth the drive. |