10 minute speakers ; Judge Harold White, Bill
Miller, Arthur Magazeni, Harold
Blackwood & Thomas Adams
Chandler served as a combat engineer in North
built bridges and repaired roads.
Telephone Committee. A telephone Committee was formed to remind our
members of
the upcoming meetings. You should
get your call about a week before each meeting
E-MAIL ADDRESSES: If you have an E-Mail address and wish to
receive the meeting notices via E-Mail please contact Dean Smith (330 835 9895)
or Ed Bollinger (330 836 6272 or WWW.ehbollinger@netzero.net). You will receive
your meeting notices a week earlier this way. If you change your E-Mail address
notify Ed by E-Mail..
DUES: Dues for September ’08 to August ’09 remain at $15 Please send them to Dan Demko at 1627 S.
Cleveland Massillon Rd.. Copley, OH 44321-1909
FIFTH ANNIVERSARY PHOTOS : See Dave Finch to get yours at our next
THEME: “Bring Two Veterans”. Personally bring 2 veterans and their
families with you to our meetings.
(Veterans History Project) Report. Do you want to tape your wartime
experiences? Contact Jerri Donohue (440 546 1207) to make arrangements. If you
know of any veteran reunions in
FOR 2008: Dr. Thomas Adams is our official “speakers” recruiter. Call
Thomas at
Nov 20 (note that this is the 3rd Thursday); Bob
Roberts, Air Corps WWII, communications officer, “Army Airway Communication
VIDEO TAPES: The current catalog of video tapes of
past meetings is now posted on our
web site. You can rent one with a refundable
$10 deposit or buy one for $10. If you want
to rent or buy a tape call Dick
Sutherland (330 666 4237) and he will have the tape for
you at
our next meeting.